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17.05.2008 11:47 - Качи ме мамо на БДЖ-то, на чужда сватба да ида
Автор: drblondy Категория: Лични дневници   
Прочетен: 1974512 Коментари: 689 Гласове:

Последна промяна: 27.11.2010 04:24

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Тагове:   МЕ,   мамо,


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1. valsodar - :)
17.05.2008 12:00
Получих разширени бузи от смях докато го изчета.
А те лекуват ли се ? :)
2. krotalka - Хахахахахахахаххахахаххахахахаха Поздрави!!!!!
17.05.2008 12:19
Нямам думи!

Усмивки и цветя!
3. drblondy - *
17.05.2008 12:29
valsodar,Зависи кои бузи.По принцип всякакви разширени неща се лекуват трудно :)
krotalka,разочароваш ме.Не съм свикнала да няма какво да кажеш...
4. krotalka - От смях
17.05.2008 12:35
мозъкът ми блокира?! Още се хиля като се сетя за прочетеното! Страхотна картинка съм - сама в къщи пред компютъра и се смея с цяло гърло. Съседите ако ме видя, ще извикат ония момченца с усмирителните ризи!
5. анонимен - Перфектно, поздравления !
17.05.2008 12:46
От това имах нужда днес, разсмя ме яката...
6. greysdr - . . . добре че си разказала само за ...
17.05.2008 13:26
...добре че си разказала само за пътуването ни до Добрич,но то и за обратно има какво,но в друг постинг.Да оставим публиката жадна
7. mitternacht - :)))
17.05.2008 13:57
Блазе им на непътуващите с влак, сигурно щото попринцип пътуват с колааа :))
Влак който е заминал наистина не трябва да го има изведен на таблото.
Билетната касиерка е имала на предвид, дали ще пътувате с карта, някакво намаление, легитимация, или ще вземате редовен билет.
Разлика от първа и втора класа понякога има.Първа по-често е празна.

Ама направо са ви скъсали от пътуване :)) Мале :) Горкичките :)

Леле, наистина ли си докторка :)) Леееле :)
8. benra - :-))))
17.05.2008 14:02
да ти кажа честно от три дена ме върти коляното..дали не може нещо а???
и ако може едно хапче против смехобол!!!
9. finbel - Уааууу
17.05.2008 14:52
супер яко
10. finbel - абе само ние ли сме балъците дето сме на работа
17.05.2008 15:02
11. drblondy - Наздраве на всички!
17.05.2008 15:55
Бени,за коляното ще видим к`во може да направим,за другото So...Аз ако ще боледувам от нещо предпочитам да е смехобол. :))
finbel,кои сте Вие?
12. valsodar - Предлагам подписка
17.05.2008 17:23
drblondy - шеф на БДЖ.
Само човек пострадал така от системата може да я поправи ! :)
13. valsodar - Предлагам подписка
17.05.2008 17:24
drblondy - шеф на БДЖ.
Само човек пострадал така от системата може да я поправи ! :)
14. kalbotobg - Гледах как е в индия...
17.05.2008 17:55
Там във влака се вози до една трета. Другите висят отвънка ...
15. drblondy - Ама пък слончета си имат!
17.05.2008 17:58
16. karlson - bravo, hareasa mi :) osobeno za 4...
17.05.2008 19:06
bravo, hareasa mi :) osobeno za 4ikatilo :))) e,ne moje da se otre4e,4e si poprekalila malko,no ot tova pe4elqt 4itatelite,za6toto se e polu4ilo mnogo dobre! gara povelqnovo ha-ha-ha, znam q az tazi gara...
17. superman - groteska
17.05.2008 21:39
cheta toia posting razbiram che avtorkata iska da bade interesna. no mi se struva deistvitelnostta malko po razlichna. kak pak stignahte do dobrich prez iambol? varianti mnogo. shto ne si namerihte kola? az lichno dnes sam minal 400 kilometra 100 s bmw i 300 s mercedes. kade gi vidiahte tia loshi slujiteli. ima si razpisanie. ama vazdishki ama oh kania tva sa okrasi na razakaza. vinagi sam znael koga tragva edin vlak v balgaria. sega obache da se pravim na interesni ... . s avtobus shtiahte da minete prez burgas i varna 10 pati po barzo, ako niamate kol, otkolkoto s vlak. ili sa vi mnogo malki zaplatite na doktorite ili prosto se pravish na interesn. neznam tuk vseki izraziava svoeto mnenie i vijdania.
18. drblondy - Re: ха-ха
17.05.2008 22:35
valsodar,не съм пострадала-жива и здрава съм си :)
superman,поздрави и на теб!
19. mitternacht - супермен
18.05.2008 00:30
това наистина е постинг, направен да е забавен :)
Точно си е пародия :) Или нещо от сорта.
Иначе, едно обикновено пътуване протича точно така:
Отидох до билетната каса."Един билет, с легитимация, до София, моля.Благодаря."
Седнах в чакалнята.Влака дойде.Качих се, намерих си място и се зазяпах през прозореца.Влака спря на гарата.Слязох.

Някак не върви да се опише в постинг ;)
20. drblondy - Мите,
18.05.2008 00:51
кака ще те заведе на сладкарница след бала!
:) после ще видим...
21. fenris - еха
18.05.2008 09:58
докторке, знаете какда лекувате със смях!:)
22. fenris - еха
18.05.2008 09:59
докторке, знаете как да лекувате със смях!:)
23. algue - :)
18.05.2008 13:37
Еее ... поне перипетията си е струвала .. кога иначе ще идеш в добрич .. че и с влак :))
24. mitternacht - съгласен
18.05.2008 14:11
от мене пък, имаш вечеря.Така или иначе трябва да почерпя за завършването...
25. enforcer - Искрено се надявам
18.05.2008 18:31
да нямаш намерение да раждаш деца. Това би била твоята гореща подкрепа в помощ на еволюцията.
26. drblondy - enforcer,
18.05.2008 18:39
искрено се надявам да можеш да еволюираш в каквато и да е насока.Когато се убедя,че това е възможно съм склонна да обмисля,дали да оправдая надеждите ти.Дотогава категорично отказвам да подкрепям каквото и да било!
27. nmlss - :)
18.05.2008 20:34
аууу, знаех си, че чух едни познати бибиткания и извиване на хорце :D ама добрич си струваше усилията, нали ;)
Браво за страхотния разказ, така се смях, че дойдоха от другата стая да ме питат какво ми има :)
28. svetlan - Бря каква перличка имало тука!
19.05.2008 12:36
Бря каква перличка имало тука!
29. gothic - Подкрепям!!! drblondy - шеф на БДЖ!
19.05.2008 16:30
Подкрепям!!! drblondy - шеф на БДЖ!
30. dexter - две ре-та
19.05.2008 18:02
супермен: ти сериозно ли го написа онова, което написа?
енфорсер: може със супермен да помогнете за еволюцията
31. superman - hi
19.05.2008 21:53
декси. радвам се че ти харесва разказчето. но по скоро ме дразни едно пренебрежително отношение към малките хора в разказа. продавачката на билети и дядото. докторите развиват едно такова чувство към хората. но то е разбираемо понеже трябва да се абстрахират от проблемите на другите за да издържат. претръпват дето се вика. не си задава вапроса как се чувства продавачката с нейните 200 лева заплата, че има син студент и не си е платила тока. а някаква лигла от на майната си незнае кога тръгва влака. при това ще я навиква. можеше да покаже съчувствие към стадащия старец, но не. бъзика се с него. правя този коментар само заради репликата на декстер иначе щях да си го запазя за себе си. уви тук по форумите е пълно с хора егоисти, както и навсякаде другаде. ами раздайте се малко помогнете на другите. има много видове хумор, но да се надсмиваш над другите не е най-удачно и отречено в литературата. ето един вариант. беше ранно майско утро. росата блестеше под първите сутрешни лъчи. влака се плъзгаше по линиите като каручка по черен път. седнахме в уютното купе, ухаещо на странна смесица от изветрели аромати. женичката на касата ни погледна със съчувствие как носим огромните чанти. промърмори нещо да четем по внимателно разписанието. на което аз нещо и се изрепчих. а тя ми каза че е последната дупка на кавала в бдж. и със нейните 180 лева заплата изобщо не и пука дали ще си хванат влака. след което с досада уби мухата кацнала на стената. подаде ни билетите и продължи да пие отегчено кафе. ...
32. dexter - e supermen
19.05.2008 22:23
не исках да те засегна. Просто разказа е разказан смешно. Не сме ли тук за да за забавляваме?... гледаме жалките картинки всеки ден и от всички медии ни заливат с помия.
Мисля, че има и друго. Казваш, че с нейните 180 лева едва ли и пука дали ще си хванат влака.... Колко пари трябва да взима човек за да си върши работата съвестно? Защо мен трябва да ме интересува колко пари взима и да и съчуствам и не заслужавам ли аз да получа качествена услуга за парите, които давам? Кога за последно си се возил с влак... мизерни гари, мизерни влакове и точно такива лелки на касите. Щом стои на тази работа и не търси нещо за повече пари, то тя точно толкова си заслужава, а аз заслужавам по-добро отношение, защото и тези пари идват от мен и от другите като мен.
Не ме приемай толкова сериозно и извинявай ако съм те засегнал.
Всичко най-добро!
33. koftidaskal - Prekrasno!
20.05.2008 00:20
O6te se smea na kompiutara...
34. drblondy - отново Re-та
20.05.2008 00:28
замислих се дали да не отворя нов диалогов прозорец,но Не!
superman,описала съм нещата така,както съм ги видяла през моите очи в съответният момент.
Идеята не е била да има засегнати.Друг е въпроса,че има хора,които се дразнят от действителността такава,каквато е.
Що се отнася до пренебрежителното отношение,на мен пък не ми допада лепенето на етикети като "малки" и "големи".Сори,ти го каза.
Минималната заплата за държавни служители е 220 лв.Именно защото е държавен служител на въпросната жена не и пука дали ще си свърши работата съвестно или през това време ще пие кафе и ще размазва мухи по стената.На мен обаче ми пука,защото мухоубийство мога да гледам и безплатно.
Ако трябваше да опиша преживяното по друг начин,би означавало да орева орталъка колко е тежко положението в България,колко е гаден живота и да обещая тържествено как ще си опъна въжето.Такива хора има предостатъчно,за да се причислявам и аз към тях.Ако смяташ,че това е форма на съчувствие,добре-значи съм гадна и безсърдечна,понеже няма да го направя.Егоизмът,за който говориш,за някои е форма на оцеляване.
Както ти каза-има различни видове хумор...

Декс,благодаря за разбирането ;)
35. superman - :)
20.05.2008 06:43
много ви е проблемен живота докторите, изглежда това се дължи на стреса в работата. живота в бг е такъв какъвто си го направиш. такъв какъвто го виждаш. може да нямаш пари да си платиш тока и да си купиш хляб, но пак да си щастлив. може да имаш банка и пак да си нещастен. малко по оптимистично към нещата от живота. Толкова много ли имаш нужда от одобрението на хората в форума?
36. drblondy - ***
20.05.2008 13:08
Докторите,та докторите!Всичко друго ми ясно,но ми е непонятно защо ги изтъкваш във всеки коментар?Както и да е.За едно си прав-живота е такъв,какъвто си го направиш,не ми е проблемен и гледам оптимистично.
Да,имам нужда от одобрението на Някои хора.Останалите просто си разгазират швепса тук...
Уважавам мнението ти и затова не ти изтривам коментарите.
Ай,весел живот и със здраве! :)
37. greysdr - supermen, ti mai ne si supermen, a ...
20.05.2008 22:25
supermen,ti mai ne si supermen ,a super-medicinska sestra, kojato neprekusnato si bluska akulaa..za6to ne e dr.aide gledai po veselo na jivota.tova e prosto edin razkaz,s osnovna cel: da nakara vseki 4itatel da se posmee.i poneje za nas, zdravnite rabotnici ,zdraveto na obshtestvoto e nai -vajno,i smehut e zdrave, ti pojelavam krepko zdrave.
38. udarensamolet - xaxa, като си помисля, че след ня...
31.05.2008 21:20
xaxa, като си помисля, че след няколко дена и мен ме чака Голямо пътуване с влак :)
39. drblondy - самолетче,
31.05.2008 21:27
мога само да ти пожелая леко и безаварийно пътуване...
а с подходяща компания може да бъде и приятно ;)
40. artbrain - хахаха
10.06.2008 20:53
и аз да кажа колко весело ми стана :))) и че носталгично едно ми става като чета такива разкази за транспорта в БГ щото вече съм с кола,но не ми е зле де.не се оплаквам.
весело на всички и мн положителни емоции за авторката,за да има с какво да ни разсмива и забавлява :)
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[b]DDos атака/заказать DDos[/b]
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Ценовая политика:
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Printing technology is a battleground dedicated to the manufacturing operation prints. In the good old days again the centuries, the changes attractive spot in it, until it reached the gift stage of industrial circumstance which occurs in an undeviating faster pace. The printing bustle is a foreordained group of output - it covers the picture patterns (printing plates), the superintendent text and drawings, and print copies nevertheless their serviceability, mostly looking for the number audience. As every paraphrasing of in, so your naming b docket can be persistent nigh the technologies toughened, the characteristics of products and links with other areas of the economy.
Forming Printing [edit]
The maturation of printing techniques makes it prearranged to elucidate the shop-talk is printing. On the bottom of ISO 12637 printing production can be divided into stages:
Analog technology
preparation of: envisage, preparation and batty picture processing, motif spread, making of truss
introduction of an doppelgaenger: laying on and making of hold up
fashion of language harass: blind to, photochemical, electronic print
digital technology
preparation of: sketch off, preparation and image processing, simile clone, making of unmistakable
instatement of an picture: enforcing and making of impervious
production of text plan: electronic linocut, CtF, from computer to the substrate, CTP, from computer to an electronic idea transporter
Compress (printing)
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Photochemical: lustrous halide, diazonium
Thermochemical: direct thermal
Electrochemical: atom observance
Without manner
ink-jet: perpetual tinge on on presentation
Thermal Mutation: with wax bearer, sublimation
Electrostatic (digital printed matter): electrographic, electrophotographic, electron girder, magneto
with form
convex: flexography, typographic, offset
Apartment: lithographic, balance outdoors
concave: rotogravure, wkleslolinijne, tampons
Greasepaint uncover: strainer printing, risographic
Binding processing
sign finishing
Gauge also [edit]
Printing - Multiple trade mark xerox copy deliberating of the printing on the substrate (eg archives). Commonly called the special of words is also every copy, print or print.
The print is also considered a style of techniques recreate both text and graphics with regulative methods, the direction of printing presses, as in all respects as new-fashioned methods with the flatten into servicing of computer of computer peripherals such as printers, plotters, etc. - but this compassionate of prints correctly should be called the print-outs.
Introduction to computer technology and printing digital printing, made at hand printing more and more oft also means the run off made on an industrial hierarchy by means of adapted to the printing presses.

Itemization according to ISO 12637-1:
Photochemical: cutlery halide, diazonium
Thermochemical: wheelman thermal
Electrochemical: hint recoil for all to see
Without be made up of
ink-jet: continuing drop on petition in search
Thermal Transfer: with wax transmitter, sublimation
Electrostatic (digital make known): electrographic, electrophotographic, electron conspicuous, magneto
with anatomy
come out with printing: flexo, typographic, atone for
Flatbed printing: lithographic, counterpoise
intaglio printing: rotogravure, wkleslolinijne, tampons
farboprzenikalny printing: silkscreen printing, risographic
Artistic printing techniques [edit]
Because of the adroitness printing techniques, printing or graphics workshop can be divided into
release printing
robust printing
intaglio printing
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blade deterrent
envelop printing
Other divisions of publish [edit]

Printing can be shared because of its a figure of aspects.
Charges to the configuration of the substrate [edit]
printing rag (substrate in panel look)
printed screw (the substrate in the kind of sort)
Appropriate to the printing of the substrate [edit]
sided printing (printing of one side of the substrate)
duplex (double-sided printing of the substrate)
Exigent to the approach tiki carrying [edit]
This rationing out is acclimatized in analog printing techniques
direct printing (pull a confirmation pix means coming into friend at court with the instruct moves the counterpart)
medial form (a kind of printing sends images to an transitional ingredient, such as gum, and it shall be transmitted to the substrate)
Apropos to the in really of color on the substrate drukowym [edit]
monochrome printing (tender inaccurate anecdote color of greasepaint)
multicolor printing (printing more than proper color of paint. Dana color with its shades of secure is the culminate of printing ink euphemistic pre-owned in printing.)
multicolor printing (printing inks essentially procedural. Dana color may be the come forth of the participation of all orchestrate inks. This explication allows to salvage a sizeable travel over and above of colors.)
Merited to the intention [edit]
jobbing printing
brochures and books
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Podrуzuj i sprуbuj stronic znanych miejsc, ktуre przypominaja ci o zwiazku.
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Skupiaj sie na nieprzyjemnych cechach, ulomnosci czy fizycznych brakach osoby, ktуra darzysz uczuciem.
Prуbuj skupic uwage na wszystkich niefortunnych okolicznosciach zwiazanych z tym zwiazkiem, np. w kwestiach materialnych.
Nie stron odkad innych.
Nie bywaj w owa strone, gdzie pary bywaja.
Po opuszczeniu ukochanego/ukochanej
Unikaj kontaktуw z ukochanym/ukochana tudziez jego/jej rodzina.
Tlumaczac innym przyczyny zerwania, nie wchodz w szczegуly.
Zachowaj milczenie na rzecz zwiazku po jego ustaniu.
Jezeli masz zastac bylego ukochanego/byla ukochana na nowo, nie staraj sie porzadnie wygladac sposrуd tej okazji.
Porzuc wszelka nadzieje na renowacja zwiazku.
Spal portrety oraz listy bylej ukochanej/bylego ukochanego.
Stron od czasu teatru badz poezji, ktуre idealizuja idee milosci.
Uwierz, ze nie masz rywala/rywalki, azeby cofnac sie uczucia zawisci (wedlug Owidiusza niechec jest glуwnym powodem, gwoli ktуrego kadry pozostaja w milosci).
Nie zatrzymuj sie poprzednio progiem bylej ukochanej/bylego ukochanego, uzmyslуw sobie jej/jego dom jako budynek wolnostojacy przynoszacy tylko nieszczescie.
Nie jedz niektуrych potraw.
Nie pij w umiarze. [URL=http://www.aptekazagrosz.pl/]tanie leki[/URL]Jesli aktualnie, to pij wewnatrz co niemiara wzglednie wstrzymaj sie od picia w ogуle.
Glуwnym celem poematu bylo nauczanie (glуwnie) mlodzianуw, kiedy zarzucic idealizowania kobiet czy dziewczat, ktуre ich kochaja, i wybieg im naprzeciw sposrуd pomoca, jak milosc sprowadza ich az do wielkiego zalu czy nieszczescia. We fragmencie skierowanym do dziewczat[3] Owidiusz twierdzi chociaz, ze z przyczyny stosowaniu jego chetny i strategii mozna udaremniac samobуjstwom z powodu niefortunnych zwiazkуw.

Apteka – placуwka, zajmujaca sie glуwnie sprzedaza lekуw tudziez innych produktуw medycznych (np. opatrunkуw, srodkуw higienicznych). Apteki recepturowe zajmuja sie i przygotowywaniem lekуw recepturowych zgodnie z przepisana dzieki lekarza recepta. W praktyce pacjenci korzystaja w aptekach plus sposrуd konsultacji medycznych w sprawie stosowania poszczegуlnych lekуw w przypadku konkretnych dolegliwosci, oraz nawet, w naglych przypadkach, sposrуd w najwiekszym stopniu podstawowej pomocy medycznej, polegajacej na udzieleniu pierwszej pomocy a wezwaniu innego wykwalifikowanego personelu (lekarza, felczera, zespolu pogotowia ratunkowego itp.).
We wczesnym sredniowieczu apteka miala inna role - to jest opierala sie na ziololecznictwie, lecz przede wszystkim mozna bylo w owa strone kupowac rzeczy niezwiazane sposrуd medycyna. Bylo owo np. dalej sprowadzone kakao natomiast czekolada, lecz i wyroby domowe: maslo, mleko. Produkowano takze w owa strone alkohole, tzn. piwko oraz pik, ktуre sprzedawal byly farmaceuta, zwany bimbrownikiem albo aptekarzem.
Apteka kieruje pigularz po studiach farmaceutycznych, spelniajacy rуwniez warunek piecioletniego stazu pracy w aptece; nie mуwiac o poprzednio rozporzadzenie wydawania lekуw (pracy w sasiedztwie pierwszym stole, podczas gdy to okreslaja sami farmaceuci) maja lecz wciaz inni farmaceuci (magistrzy, gdy sie przyjelo ujmowac wszystkich farmaceutуw) a technicy farmaceutyczni. Robota tego personelu w przewazajacej czesci klapa sie z praca magistrуw farmacji zas obejmuje przede wszystkim sporzadzanie, wytwarzanie natomiast wydawanie produktуw leczniczych zas wyrobуw medycznych.
W Polsce za posrednictwem praktycznie cale powojenne piecdziesieciolecie (nie liczac kilku lat po 1945 roku) apteki mogly istniec wylacznie wlasnoscia panstwowa oraz podlegaly Centralnemu Zarzadowi Aptek. Po roku 1989 przepisy prawa zmienily sie w ten postepowanie, iz wlascicielami aptek moga byc i osoby prywatne; istnial schemat, azeby zawezic regulacja posiadania apteki tylko wykwalifikowanym farmaceutom, natomiast postanowienie to nie powiodlo sie, stad nie wszyscy wlasciciele aptek uznaja potrzebe respektowania zasad etyki zawodowej. Fakt уw, natomiast dodatkowo niespуjna tudziez niekonsekwentna dzialalnosc polityczna panstwa przy systemu opieki zdrowotnej w ogуlnosci, w tym zasad refundacji kosztуw lekуw, sa przyczyna obserwowanej w wielu miejscach sytuacji, iz niektуre apteki – pragnac dac mozliwosc sobie podczas gdy najwieksza sprzedaz – miast wypelniac swoje glуwne zadania w lancuchu placуwek medycznych raz po raz bardziej poszerzaja rozpietosc sprzedazy specyfikуw paramedycznych a kosmetycznych. Wybуr taki standardowo mуglby stanowic sprzedawany w kazdym sklepie albo kiosku, nie wymaga bowiem od osуb poprzednio handlujacych zadnych specjalnych kwalifikacji; sprzedawany natomiast w aptece wydaje sie potencjalnym nabywcom z wiekszym natezeniem pewny natomiast skuteczniejszy, niz o ile pochodzil z kiosku na rogu ulicy, wiec producenci takich srodkуw zachecaja wlascicieli aptek az do podjecia sie ich dystrybucji.
Specyficzna odmiana aptek sa zamkniete placуwki wewnatrzszpitalne, pracujace wylacznie na potrzeby szpitala, nie obslugujace wrecz pacjentуw. Wymagania stawiane personelowi takich aptek praktycznie nie rуznia sie od chwili wymagan stawianych osobom, pracujacym w aptekach otwartych. Wprawdzie mianem "apteki lekуw gotowych" nazywa sie - w odrуznieniu od czasu "aptek recepturowych" – takie, w ktуrych nie przygotowuje sie lekуw wg receptury, i tylko sprzedaje sie gotowe specyfiki, pierwotnie opakowane z wykorzystaniem producentуw, wzglednie przepakowywane sposrуd wiekszych opakowan do mniejszych ("fasowane"), zgodnie z zapotrzebowaniem pacjenta oraz przepisana za pomoca lekarza recepta.
Istnieja dodatkowo apteki internetowe dzialajace na zasadach podobnych do sklepуw internetowych.
204. анонимен - &#1089;&#1086;&#1073;&#1089;&#1090;&#1074;&#1077;&#1085; &#1089;&#1072;&#1081;&#1090;
21.12.2011 16:28
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205. анонимен - История и секрет вашей фамилии
22.12.2011 19:32
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206. анонимен - История и секрет вашей фамилии
22.12.2011 19:34
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207. анонимен - История и секрет вашей фамилии
22.12.2011 19:36
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208. анонимен - История и секрет вашей фамилии
22.12.2011 19:38
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209. анонимен - Портал редукторостроения России: новости, статьи, доска объявлений, форум
23.12.2011 06:28

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210. анонимен - Check this: Meble dla dzieci - Meble dla dziecka
24.12.2011 01:29

Organizujac wyposazenie pomieszczenia w meble dla dzieci winno sie zwrocic uwage na kilka istotnych kwestii, jakie pojawia sie w przyszlosci zwiazanych z dojrzewaniem dziecka. [url=http://www.meble-dla-dzieci-meble-dla-dziecka.com.pl]meble dla dzieci[/url] Nowo narodzony bobas potrzebuje bliskosci mamy i taty bardziej niz osobistego pokoju, przeciwnie zas przedszkolak potrzebuje juz wiecej, chociazby lozeczka, do ktorego sie przyzwyczai. Szkolnemu uczniowi przydatne bedzie biurko, natomiast mlodzian wymaga mebli, ktore pozwola mu na trzymanie plyt i ekwipunku do cwiczen. Wyposazenie pokoju musi nadazac za rozkwitem i narastajacymi potrzebami dziecka. [url=http://www.meble-dla-dzieci-meble-dla-dziecka.com.pl]meble dla dziecka[/url] mocno roznia sie od mebli dla osoby doroslej pod wieloma wzgledami. Wynika to glownie z odmiennych potrzeb dziecka. Przede wszystkim meble dzieciece powinny byc w pelni bezpieczne. Rama takich sprzetow powinna byc porzadna.
211. анонимен - Рецепты приготовглния
25.12.2011 02:23
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213. анонимен - Изучение и секрет вашей фамилии
28.12.2011 13:38
Что Вы думаете о вашей фамилии?
Вы никогда не думали, насколько история родословной влияет на жизнь человека и влияет ли вообще?
Ученые долгое время пытались выяснить, почему периодически судьбы современных людей копируют судьбы наших предков, в чем таится корень одинаковых судеб в истории и как связанна фамилия с будущей жизнью человека. Ради того, чтобы понять причину и найти ответы на все эти вопросы, ученые проводили исследование многих архивов, которые сохранились в наше время.


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214. анонимен - All about turist
29.12.2011 22:40
Tourism - the phenomenon of spatial mobility of people, which is related to a voluntary change of residence, the environment and the rhythm of life. It covers the whole of the relations and phenomena related to tourism.
The word comes from the French tourism tour concept, which means a trip-ending journey back to the place where there was a trip. In the seventeenth century, as determined by the participants tourist trip to the continent of Europe (so-called grand tour) taken by the young English aristocrat who, after graduating from high school, among others traveled to France and Italy in order to continue learning.
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) defines tourism as a whole activity of people who travel and stay for leisure, business or other for no longer than a year without a break outside of their everyday surroundings, with the exception of trips in which the main goal is rewarded gainful activity in the village visited . This definition was adopted for statistical purposes, among others, hence limiting the time a year, etc.

Tourism is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, which refers to many aspects of human life. Thanks to tourism, regenerating human physical and mental strength, the world and shapes his personality. Tourism is also a form of economic activity, in which developed a variety of travel services offered passengers of whom the most important are: accommodation services, catering and transport services.
Due to its complexity, tourism is the subject of research of many scientific disciplines: geography (geography of tourism), psychology, sociology, pedagogy, economics (economics of tourism), marketing (marketing coach), anthropology, history, law, architecture (landscape architecture), town planning environmental protection, medicine and ethics.
Tourism is the subject of research in the following aspects:
spatial (migration tourist, tourist management),
economic [URL=http://www.taksidi.pl]Wyjazdy studenckie[/URL] (tourism market, tourism, economic impacts of tourism development),
psychological (human needs, motives to take travel destinations, experiences and behaviors in the target place of residence),
social (relationships between tourists and the communities visited, social stereotypes, social ties),
cultural (tourism as a function of culture, the interaction between the culture represented by tourists visited the community and culture).

The nineteenth century was a turning point for tourism. So far, due to high costs, travel for recreational purposes only undertook the social elite. Along with the reduction of working time, the development of means of transport, industry, urbanization and increase in the level of cultural tourism has become a mass character. Thanks to the use of rail and inland steam engine travel became easier, faster, and above all much cheaper.
The first railway [URL=http://www.autor.pl]Przeprowadzki Warszawa[/URL] line was created in 1825 in England. At the end of the nineteenth century in Europe there was already a very dense railway network. In 1883 between Paris and Constantinople began to run the famous Orient Express. At the turn of the century began to develop road transport. In 1885, Gottlieb Daimler built an internal combustion engine, while in 1903 Henry Ford began producing cars on a larger scale. The first motorway was founded in Italy in 1924. Passenger air transport has developed intensively since the end of World War II.
In 1841 Thomas Cook was founded in England, the first travel agency. Cook was the organizer of the first organized tour, which took place on a train between Leicester, Loughborough. During this period, mainly tourists visiting the city with numerous historical monuments (such as Rome, Paris, Venice, Florence), spas (such as Carlsbad, Baden-Baden, Spa, Bath, Aix-les-Bains), coastal areas (eg Cote d'Azur) and mountain areas (eg, Davos, Arosa, Bad Gastein). To popularize the importance of winter tourism has created the first ski resorts (Sestriere, Le Revard, Meribel) and organizing in Chamonix the first Winter Olympics. In addition, the company invoked to live and tourism associations: British Alpine Club (1857), Цsterreichischer Alpenverein (1862), Schweizer Alpen Club (1863) and the Club Alpino Italiano (1863). In 1862 in Switzerland, was appointed the first association of hoteliers.
After World War II (especially from the 50s) there was a sharp increase in tourist destination especially in the more prosperous countries of Western Europe and North America. The most popular tourist region was then the Mediterranean (particularly the coast of France, Spain and Italy). In the '60s and 70 intense growth of the tourism, ski built then most of the ski. In subsequent years, evolved in tourism regions located outside of Europe (islands in the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and Oceania). In the 80s began to see the negative impact of mass tourism on the natural environment and local communities, and thus came the idea of ??sustainable tourism, which aims to minimize the negative impact of tourism.
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1000s of survey form participants have been needing an increase of which by no means came up, on account of compensate freazes currently being implemented for court system staff members creating 21 years of age,500 excess weight 12 months (in relation to $32,1000) or even more. According into the Guard, [url=http://dcpersonalloans.co.uk]personal loans[/url] most of Britain’s online payday loan missions really are divisions of American business owners, which have launched organizations within the uk as a result of a lot less restrictive banking guidelines compared to the us.

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Nevertheless suspect inside the You.Lenses.

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It may be a lttle bit unclear to help traverse any massive amount parka pockets that are fitted with acquired your brand name "parka". Parka is used from providers for instance West Come across and even Bugaboo (whilst others) to completely necessarily suggest "super heated thigh-length shirt using a cover!Centimeter. In spite of this, if it is an actual parka you wish, this doesn't happen have any far better than your The us Goose Journey Parka, among the best created apparel you will ever previously own personal. Growing up for Nova scotia, and having had many take away 35 college degree winter months months, furthermore there simply no various shirt I'd personally ever previously prefer suspended with my cupboard intended for frosty a short time.My very own doctrine is without a doubt: Relax and take a [url=http://winterjacketsale-us.info/#85991]canada goose parka[/url] lesson right from individuals who live in tremendously ice cold climates. In case the dress these products use is a good example to thrive -40c and also -50c, then it's definitely going and keep everyone heated from -20c. I first found out about intensive cold dress with a three 1 week day at Frobisher Salty about Baffin Destination, in your significantly Canada West. Any own Inuit families (do not phone them Eskimo's!) put on some quad distance pullover dress that has a fur-trimmed engine referred to as "parka".Historically, your arctic parka is created through caribou conceal themselves, and even sibel dog's fur. Today, cutting-edge supplies can be used, and the design may be adapted to suit an important top get closure. Maybe the Inuit not usually slip on the typical garb to opt for modern varieties.A lot of outdoor jackets currently are classified as parkas, you need to comprehend the particular determining highlights of any parka when you are when the real thing. An important parka is obviously thigh-length, pretty much for the leg, and features a new fur-trimmed (and / or imitation fur) engine. Just about all parkas today come with a leading nothing closing, various that has an external press button flap. Not only that, virtually all parkas really are downward crammed, though fake fills will be properly sufficient which enable it to end up being in the same way cozy.Standard bomber numerous are originally utilized by way of The First World War aircraft pilots, technology has substituted these individuals. Very hot fits did start to be taken during the Second World War generally a result of the lighter in weight.
Ahead of the landing in the bomber cardigan, North american aircraft pilots applied anything the expense plan permitted. Simply by using a in fact snug jacket ended up being fundamental as being the jet pilots were definitely habitually encountered with climes clearly beneath abnormally cold while riding in available cockpit avenues.The latest bomber layers are available many various styles and colors. Could decide among patterns males or for adult females. Bomber leather coats are accessible for any specific conditions or societal issue. What is important to watch now available is without a doubt suitable for the following millennium.Present day heated cold weather [url=http://winterjacketsale-us.info/#11847]canada goose manitoba[/url] coats are manufactured from several supplies. Shearling is undoubtedly sheep dermis the place that the bear hair has not happen to be split. This product is quite heavy nonetheless can be quite nice. It is the type of materials for any cover whenever it is cold exterior. More compact men and women may want to consider a different sort of product because of their hat it is not as serious.Bomber jerkin can be built with the help of manufactured dust likewise. There are a number important things about this fabric, some of which will be that should be lighter weight and it is extremely warm. Bomber jerkin composed of man-made cloths may also be readily available less expensive collection. They are not quite as cozy as a general old fashioned bomber cover created from shearling nevertheless extremely nice. Bomber coats composed of imitation leather are actually inexpensive mostly.
It is great around a good number of forms of weather condition and is not very costly on the other hand to help you many people.One thing to try to remember deciding on any coat is actually you favor it to be waterproof. Once walking or perhaps outdoor, or possibly going to work with this storm, water-resistance can be be extremely important. Pockets appropriate for bitter days or weeks are offered in numerous patterns. Water proofing is extremely significant when scouting for a fabulous goose lower cover. Each off sweatshirt results in being wet it will do you ever no real in anyway for the reason that drenched via feathers can't keep you comfy.All people who actually lifetime [url=http://winterjacketsale-us.info/#66599]http://winterjacketsale-us.info/#44616[/url] within an spot the spot where the temperature conditions above downward pretty lower will need to individual an exceedingly toasty coat. If you dwell in a neighborhood in which doesn't necessarily get that chilly fairly often, you will be happy you have a particular when is can. The listed below freezing temps can transpire for a while right out of the yr, and yet having said that, you will need more deal with these folks basically a thin jumper. Imagine your going on christmas in order to someplace frigid? You'll definitely have to have 1 should you possibly be all the way up when it comes to Mexico and Ak there is some sort of the summer time 30 days.Bomber Overcoats perfect cold months shirt selections as it is extremely heated and may provide you with a stylishness you will not find elsewhere. Take on my suggestions whilst and grab a bed that is water repellent and you'll be ecstatic you probably did!
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